New Gloucester Democratic Committee New Gloucester Democratic Committee

Finding Light in Darkness: A Statement from New Gloucester Dems

In New Gloucester last week, an unknown person or persons drew a swastika—one of the most powerful symbols of hate and terror—on Intervale road. Swastikas as a symbol have been used increasingly to create a climate of fear and intimidation for marginalized groups, and while we don’t know the vandal’s intent, this racist and anti-Semitic symbol must always be taken seriously and responded to with condemnation for the act and support for those impacted. We unequivocally denounce this deeply disturbing act of hate directed towards our townspeople.

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Penny Collins Penny Collins

A Love Letter to New Gloucester Democrats

This is a love letter sent to you all on what is a hard post-election morning. If you did not wake up to the news that Bettyann Sheats and Anne Gass lost their races, you probably tossed and turned all of last night with the knowledge already on your mind. I know the folks who campaigned so hard for these candidates in New Gloucester were unlikely to have let their heads hit their pillows without finding out the results!

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Bettyann Sheats Bettyann Sheats

Citizen Legislators Must Listen, Learn, and Lead

As I knock on doors in New Gloucester and other rural areas of District 20, I am increasingly aware of the importance transportation plays in people’s lives: for work, medical appointments, access to food, finances and recreation.

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Julie Fralich Julie Fralich

A Talk with Anne Gass

When Anne Gass knocks on your door and asks if you have a minute, her smile and the twinkle in her eye make you want to invite her in for tea. As she talks, you will want to listen, and as she listens, you will want to talk. And as you listen, you will hear that Anne is not just a talker, but a do-er. Behind the smile is a woman with grit and determination, a born leader, a fierce fighter for Women’s Rights, an independent thinker, an activist, an historian, and a person deeply committed to her community.

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Anne Gass Anne Gass

Why I am Not a Democrat

“I love you!” the man yelled. I’d never met him before, but I’d just told him that I was running as an Independent for the Maine House District 104 (New Gloucester/part of Gray). I couldn’t even get out the rest of my spiel. That was enough for him. “I love you right back,” I told him.

While most people don’t profess their love upon meeting me, I’ve met many voters who are thrilled to hear about my running as an unenrolled candidate, which is what I mean when I say “Independent.” Like me, they believe legislators ought to work for the people, not the parties.

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Laura Jane Sturgis Laura Jane Sturgis

Autobiography of a Republican-Turned-New-Gloucester-Liberal

My religious journey is what led me to become a Democrat. I did a lot of thinking as I heard one party claim to be the party of “family values” but when I saw their legislation and the behavior of the crook that they helped put into the White House I began to question what their values really were. His behavior was not following what I was taught about Christianity.

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New Gloucester Democratic Committee New Gloucester Democratic Committee

Paul LePage Is A Threat To Maine Women

Under Janet Mills, Maine’s first woman Governor, our state has made great strides towards respecting women, empowering women, and protecting women’s rights. On National Women’s Equality Day, let us celebrate the progress we have made and recommit ourselves to continuing that progress in the years to come.

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